- Posts: 1
- Joined: 28 Jul 2003 10:49
Heya all of SIT. <br><br>(heb dit bericht al bij verschillende squads gepost, omdat de meeste euro squads zijn is ie in het engels <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://jeroenonline.nl/sitsquad/ipb/htm ... /smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->)<br><br>I wanted to ask you guys something (this is for the dutch dudes only). We (ewe) and a couple ofother BHD players are going to a LAN-Party in the fall, and we wanted to ask if (some of) you guys would like to come with us to that LAN-Party. This is because BHD isnt played so much as counterstrike or so on, and we are kinda promoting it to other people. We do this via LAN-Party's which we regularely visit. We wanted to ask if you guys would come so we have more people playing the game, meaning more competition, more fun. This LAN-Party we all will visit is: LAN=LIFE. Its held from friday the 21st of November till sunday the 23rd of November, in Eindhoven. Its a LAN-Party for 750 people, and we want to make the BHD group as big as possible so it will be more fun and we will have more competition during the play of the game / tournaments. Prizes can be won also! Please consider this and maybe we all c you guys on LAN=LIFE5!. <br><br>The people we went with to our last LAN-party were: <br><br>Shellshock-fs- <br>Goodspeed-fs- <br>ewe.tripwire <br>ewe.raiden <br>ewe.jhai <br>Delicious*STS <br>Poostmen.dt3 <br>Seal.dt3 <br>Guardian.dt3 <br><br>This was really really cool (because you "know" the people who you shoot so thats a very cool aspect. the tournaments are great fun !!!! especially so you can meet echother and just drink beer and just have great great great fun!) <br><br>The people who are coming next time in November are for now: <br>Shellshock-fs- <br>Goodspeed-fs- <br>ewe.tripwire <br>ewe.raiden <br>ewe.jhai <br>Delicious*STS <br>Poostmen.dt3 <br>Seal.dt3 <br>Guardian.dt3 <br>ewe.outbreak <br>ewe.mercurion <br>King*NvA*/DEA <br>maybe couple guys from BB<br>maybe some guys from 422nd<br>maybe some guys from *VS*<br>(so the group IS groing ) <br><br><br>This wasnt such a big group and we want to expand it to as big as it gets. <br>If you're interested sign up on: <br><br><a href='http://www.lanislife.nl' target='_blank'>http://www.lanislife.nl</a> <br><br>(if you want to go and the others dont, just come and you'll see you will have the time of your life, guaranteed ) <br><br>or if you have questions about things just ask me. <br>msn: jhai@pyromaniacs.nl <br>icq: 150151730